Gentle Ways 2023-2024 Impact Report

Gentle Ways 2023-2024 Impact Report

We  are thrilled to announce the release of our very first Impact Report for the year 2023-2024. The report offers an in-depth look at GentleWays for OurPlanet work, featuring our devoted team, and a message from our Founder, Aïda Warah. It also summarizes GentleWays’...
Incineration is not the answer

Incineration is not the answer

by: Leen Aboujaish (Environmental Communication Advisor-Volunteer) Aïda Warah (GentleWays founder) A warning we’ve been hearing now for the past few years in Ottawa: Ottawa’s landfill is almost full and expected to reach capacity between 2036 and 2038 if our current...
Changing our Menus

Changing our Menus

With a small grant from the City of Ottawa under Sustainability, GentleWays is currently implementing a project aiming at promoting sustainable plant-based food choices in Ottawa. We will be supporting and  collaborating with some restaurants towards an increase in...