Solutions - Food

Are you willing to make a few changes in your food buying habits to help OurPlanet heal? Yes, technological advances have brought us food security, variety and longevity, not to mention the freedom from backbreaking labour. The problem is that we’ve overdone it…Like in everything, too much of a good thing becomes bad.

According to Compassion in World Farming factory farming has a significant negative impact on the environment across the world, driving deforestation, pushing out habitats, wildlife and biodiversity to make way for industrial agriculture and animal feed. Your food choices – what, and how much you buy –  contribute to the solution.  To GentleWays, the issue and the solution are not only about our food security, our wellbeing, our health; the concern and the solution are also about the security, health and wellbeing of all life forms. In the long run, the health of our Planet and our health are one!

Menus 4 a Healthier Environment

Menus 4 a Healthier Environment

Our latest video, specially designed for restaurant owners and chefs in Ottawa encourages healthier and more eco-friendly dining choices. Discover how small changes, such as introducing plant-based meals onto restaurant menus can create advantages for both the...

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Changing our Menus

Changing our Menus

With support from the City of Ottawa, our current project is intended to promote more sustainable food options in some Ottawa restaurants

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If You Knew The Truth Would You…?

If You Knew The Truth Would You…?

Sometimes, we don’t ask a question because we don’t want to hear the answer. Sometimes, we look the other way, lest we see something we’re uncomfortable with. Sometimes, we say we want the truth but deep down we don’t because when we know the truth, It becomes...

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In tune with the seasons

In tune with the seasons

Do you know the percentage of food wasted in affluent societies? According to some reports, up to 20%,  or one fifth of food, is thrown out or consumed beyond caloric requirements. This is when we eat more than what our bodies need to maintain a healthy weight. So, to...

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